The Value of Newborn Photography

November 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

The Value of Newborn Photography?

I am a newborn photographer. 
What these parents get is to watch their child being nurtured and soothed and posed and comforted in ways they've never even imagined. They get their child captured forever at a time that is the most fleeting point in 
their lives. A week from now that baby won't look the same. Three weeks from now that baby won't even fit into mum's arms the way she does today.

They watch in awe as the baby that they haven't even figured out how to comfort yet is automatically soothed and comforted by someone they've never even met before in their lives. They see their baby more comfortable than she's been since she was born.

They are shown how to soothe their own babies. "Have you tried holding her this way yet? She seems to love it."

They get to relax, and talk about what's really hard, and how they're not sleeping, and they get to hear stories of how it's hard like that for everyone, and how it absolutely gets better.

They walk away with not only with beautiful images - art for their walls featuring this human being that they never even knew they could possibly love as much as they do in only 5 days of knowing her, and with a refreshed confidence and validation about their own parenting.

We newborn photographers not only comfort and capture babies, but we mother mothers. 

Insecure mothers who don't even know what's hit them yet, and confident, experienced mothers who see you with their babies and know for sure that they've chosen the right person for the job.


Contact me to book you session today!

Open weekdays by appointment
~ Serving the Cambridgeshire area ~
Contact Victoria Sturdy for more information or to schedule a pre-session consultation!
07985 496114
[email protected]


Maternity ~ Newborn ~ Baby ~ Child ~ Family
Lost Adventurers Photography ~ Victoria Sturdy ~ Cambridge Newborn Photographer





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