Play over posing...ideas for fun, candid photos of your children

July 28, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


Play over posing...ideas for fun, candid photos of your children

How hard do you think photographing your kids is? Do you struggle to get those gorgeous genuine smiles, all your kids looking the right way and happy. Engaging kids in fun activities is always going to give best way to get candid, genuine smiles and laughter. You are going to capture their personality and and their smiles. I love the idea of playing over posing... to photographing children by making the activity fun and enjoyable rather than asking a child to pose and force a smile.  Here is a list of prompts, activities and that can help engage your children into candid play so that you can photograph you kids when they are playing and not noticing that you can photographing them. The kids will have more fun too!

I adore shooting my own kids (which is not always easy), but I have found some tricks that have worked for me to create really nice candid moments to photograph.  These images usually turn out to be my favorites!  Here you go:

Check the ones you want to try!


Any type of jumping

Ask the kids to do their silliest face, then do one

Having a parent/Sibling pretend to bother you, like a bonk on the head, or tickling you

Ask kids what a dinosaur says... When they roar, you scream and run away

Pretend to do silly, illogical things like eat grass, leaves, etc and or stick them to your forehead

Ask the kids to give you a high five and then pretend to fall over

Ask a funny member of the family to stand behind you and do their thing

Repeat after me, “I…LOVE…eating…big…hairy…feet! (toes, cheese, etc)
□ Calling boys, girl names and vice versa
□ Pretend to eat rocks or leaves while saying, “Mmmm, I’m SO hungry!!!”


Tell the family to tickle each other

Tell a funny joke

Ask one of the children to tell a funny joke

Play games with the little ones use puppets, toys etc

Play peekaboo with babies

Tell the children to have a staring contest (wait for the moment they fall into giggles)

Tell the kids that there is a frog/fairy inside your camera and that if they watch closely, it’ll wink at them

Use reverse psychology and tell them not to smile

Say "Are you laughing at me? You better not be laughing at me!"

Show how much they love mum and dad

Encourage a big group hug for the family

Tell the siblings to "pretend to like each other!"




 Collect leaves/rocks/sticks

 Stacking rocks/sticks

 Picking flowers

 Tossing rocks in the water

 Invite the child to ride on your “magic carpet,” (a blanket/hammock)

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(Disclosure: These are affiliate links and I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links.  However, these are all products I have used personally and I highly recommend them.)






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